Monday, June 4, 2012



WORD (n) [pruh-nuhn-see-ey-shuhn]
Forms: Adverb (n)
Definition: the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc., as found in dictionaries
Sentence: I write in sentences to help me better understand a word

Related forms
in·ter·ac·tion·al, adjective
reciprocal action, effect, or influence.
Physics .
the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another, in particular, in inducing the emission or absorption of one particle by another.
the mathematical expression that specifies the nature and strength of this effect.

verb (used with object)
to make international, as in scope or character: a local conflict that was internationalized into a major war.
to place or bring under international control.
verb (used without object)
to become international: The automobile company must internationalize in order to meet the competition.

verb (used with object)
to make intense or more intense.
to make more acute; strengthen or sharpen.
Photography . to increase the density and contrast of (a negative) chemically.

Related forms
in·ten·si·fi·ca·tion, noun
de-in·ten·si·fy, verb, de·-in·ten·si·fied, de·-in·ten·si·fy·ing.
o·ver·in·ten·si·fi·ca·tion, noun
o·ver·in·ten·si·fy, verb, o·ver·in·ten·si·fied, o·ver·in·ten·si·fy·ing.
self-in·ten·si·fied, adjective

[per-swey-siv, -ziv]

able, fitted, or intended to persuade: a very persuasive argument.

Related forms
per·sua·sive·ly, adverb
per·sua·sive·ness, noun
non·per·sua·sive, adjective
non·per·sua·sive·ly, adverb
non·per·sua·sive·ness, noun

[uhp-root, -root]
verb (used with object)
to pull out by or as if by the roots: The hurricane uprooted many trees and telephone poles.
to remove violently or tear away from a native place or environment: The industrial revolution uprooted large segments of the rural population.
to destroy or eradicate as if by pulling out roots: The conquerors uprooted many of the native traditions.
to displace, as from a home or country; tear away, as from customs or a way of life: to uproot a people.

Related forms
up·root·ed·ness, noun
up·root·er, noun

Thrive (v) [ thrahyv ] 
Forms: thriving, adj 
Definition:to prosper; be fortunate or successful.
Sentence:  The Hoover dam thrive the little city.

boost (v) [boost]
Forms: boosting, n
Definition: to increase; raise: to boost prices; to boost the horsepower of the car by 20 percent.
Sentence:  Congress is gambling that the JCI findings will boost its political fortunes. 

tourist attraction (n) [toor-ist uh-trak-shuhn]
Definition: a characteristic that attracts tourists
Sentence:  Cambodia's biggest tourist attraction is its annual fish-fry and festival during the second weekend of May
conserve (v) [ kuhn-surv ]
Forms: conserve,n
Definition: to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of
Sentence:  Energy is conserved in this process 

ecological (v) [ ek-uh-loj-i-kuhl, ee-kuh- ]
Forms: ecology, n
Definition:  characterized by the interdependence of living organisms in an environment
Sentence:  They also worry that the pipeline could cause an ecological disaster in case of a spill

ACQYUIRE (v) [uh-kwahyuhr]
Forms: acquirable (adj)
Definition: to gain for oneself through one's actions or efforts
Sentence: I can acquire lots of tings from my teachers.

APPLICABLE (adj) [ap-li-kuh-buhl]
Forms: applicability (n) applicably (adv)
Definition: applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate
Sentence: It is an applicable method.

ESSENTIAL (n) [uh-sen-shuhl]
Forms: essentially (adv) essentialness (n)
Definition: a basic, indispensable, or necessary element; chief point
Sentence: I want to get the essential about this question.

PROCURE (v) [proh-kyoor]
Forms: procurement (n)
Definition: to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means
Sentence: He procures love from everyone.

IMPART (v) [im-pahrt]
Forms: impartation (n) impartment (n)
Definition: to make known; tell; relate; disclose; to give; bestow;
Sentence: My teachers not only impart scholarship, but also inspire us to be innovative.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good but i would use a white font with more contrast. I can barely see this :-)
